Spellbook of life is a new power card for the combination deck. If you have 5 or more spellbook spell cards in your graveyard. The magic online deck series is a series of nonstandard, legacy competitive preconstructed theme decks released wizards of the coast for magic onlineonly. Now i can play eight cards with ahsha in their names. The organization shueisha new competitive deck duel videos. Invoked spellbook true dracos september 2017 banlist. Meanwhile, shueishas charisma duelists show off shueishas competitive six samurai against the various decks listed in the v jump magazine. These work by searching each other out to thin the deck, ending the combo in spellbook of knowledge to draw 2 cards. When creating your buylist, select quantity and nmmint condition. Spellbook magician of prophecy yugioh trollandtoad. Multiplayer commander decklists decklists optimised for multiplayer games should be posted here. Multiplayer commander decklists commander edh the game. One in hand ready to ship spellbook deck core containing the following 24 cards.
Competitive modern mill constructed deck list and prices for the magic the gathering tcg. It states plainly enough, choose your spellbook carefully, blah, blah, you will chose from 3 cards in your deck each round. Instead of drawing cards each turn, you discover a copy of a card from your deck. As the next deck feature for today we picked the best spellbook deck in competition so far. Shaddolls tend to dump a bunch of monster into the graveyard making level manipulation rather easy with spellbook of life. Once per turn, you can remove any number of spell counters from this card to special. You can only activate 1 spellbook of galdrabok per turn. Spellbookprophecy constructed deck list and prices for the yugioh tcg. Cherries i play mostly because i had some spots opened in my extra deck so i decided to give those to targets for cherries and then just put in cherries since it does come in handy, especially in this format.
If after playing it, you think this name is a little misleading, i totally agree. Dislike the lyla as uncontrolled milling in a deck like this leaves more to chance than i would like. The new spellbook cards spellbooks has always been one of my favorite competitive archetypes in yugioh. July 4, 2017 ness abc, dinosaur, invoked, spellbook, true draco, yang zing some people hate mondays, others forget about them entirely. After initially reading this card i was impressed but having taken more time to think about its applications i feel this card has huge potential and will surely be an integral part of the next big spellcaster deck. Competitive silent magician with spellbook king of games. Yugioh competitive dark magician prophecy spellbooks youtube. This is the primary starter card for the deck and almost always the best normal summon for the deck, in other cases, blue boy will be a better normal summon when you start out with all the dm cards you need spellbook magician of prophecy. Pick 10 cards, and anytime you would draw a card, you instead discover a copy of a card from your deck.
Magic tcg deck modern competitive mill by sougiro236. This report will cover 55 topperforming decks from 12 tournaments that were held in japan, hong kong, philippines, and singapore during 14 may 2017. Search using the search bar or browse by selecting categories. The best part of the deck is it is proven so good in spellbook. We say best, but there are always going to be decks that can counter others. For those who want the deck recipe again, here we are. Oct 06, 2017 2017 world championship standard deck lists.
Tokyo yugi cs, domestic tournament, 0702 2017, 96 teams 288 players. Upcoming deck projects for 2017 awesome card games. Spellbook invoked true dracos constructed deck list and prices for the yugioh tcg. Prophecy spellbook deck yugioh tcg advanced deck discussions.
Spellbook of knowledge, set to be released in code of the duelist cotd on august 3rd4th, 2017 in the tcg. Magic tcg deck competitive modern mill by dented42ford. It breaks all deck out there since people now is relying on spells barring stall and amazoness. Oct 20, 2014 spellbook of life is a new power card for the combination deck. Dec 03, 2016 the trial deck is flower princess of abundant blooming, and the deck includes a new gunit and a reprint of ranunculus flower maiden, ahsha. Instant fusion x1 dark magic attack x1 spellbook of knowledge x1 bond between teacher and student x1 upstart goblin x1 dark magic veil. Competitive silent magician with spellbook king of. The trial deck is flower princess of abundant blooming, and the deck includes a new gunit and a reprint of ranunculus flower maiden, ahsha. Deck is hilariously fast once you gain momentum, drawing 2 cards and searching multiple times every turn like a lot of other well built prophecy decks.
If you use card drawing mechanics, like arcane intellec. Apr 24, 20 spellbook judgment day quickplay during the end phase of the turn you activated this card, add spellbook spell cards from your deck to your hand, except spellbook judgment day, up to the number of spell cards activated this turn after this card resolved, then you can special summon 1 spellcaster monster from your deck, whose level is. Oct 03, 2019 burning abyss rank 3 xyz competitive meta deck. For this brawl, you choose your class and then you pick 10 different cards to fill your deck. They have the ability to play many different cards that let you search your deck for the ideal pieces needed in order to overcome your opponents board and control the game. Mythical beast jackal king x1 apprentice illusion magician x3 dark magician girl x1 magicians rod x3 spellbook magician of prophecy x1 magicians souls. This report will cover 55 topperforming decks from 12 tournaments that were held in japan, hong kong, philippines, and singapore during. Two copies of each card will be necessary to increase the chances of drawing them. Please do not sent damaged cards, see full buylist rules. Loukas peterson is running spellbooks, packing multiple spellbook of.
Artifact spellbook windwitch deck profile october 2017. You pick your class, and create a deck of 10 cards. And yeah having spellbookinvoked is like 70% of that deck. Be sure to save time, and make plans to join another major cedh multiplayer tournament, and get your deck to the top. These are going to be two of the biggest decks in competition over the. Top commanders competitive multiplayer edh facebook. Jul 27, 2017 spellbook of knowledge, set to be released in code of the duelist cotd on august 3rd4th, 2017 in the tcg. Amazing gift great for beginners and competitive players. Yugioh began back in the mid 90s as a weekly short in shonen jump by 1999 the tcg game had launched in japan. Deck profile performapal domain monarchs september 2017. Powered by the literal and graphical information presented on this site about yugioh. Registration is now open for the marchesa 2020 cedh cockatrice tourn. Monsters 11 1 book of moon 1 dark hole 2 pot of duality 3. Yugioh spellbook deck core with exclusive phantasm.
Probably one of my favorite spellcaster cards is magical exemplar each time a spell card is activated, place 2 spell counters on this card. Spellbook of the master reveal a spellbook and copy the effect of a spellbook in the graveyard spellbook of fate quickplay one of three effects depending on the cost banishing spellbooks in graveyard. Dislike the lyla as uncontrolled milling in a deck like this leaves more to chance than i. The japanese names of the prophecy monsters make reference to french language tarot decks. Takedown beating the spellbook deck herald of perfection. Spellbook magician of prophecy sr08en018 common 1st edition is a yugioh single cardcard from the structure deck. You can only activate 1 spellbook of knowledge per turn. The first and only two decks, boltslinger and exiler, were released on november 8, 2010. There is a lot still to be done, but this is a mill deck that can actually win doing ok in testing, needs a tad more work. Ranunculus of searing heart, ahsha is the new grade 3 card for ahsha. You can revive fairly effortlessly to match the level of an on field monster for a synchro or xyz of choice. Theres not really a flawless way to build a hearthstone deck for all occasions, but so far the deck weve built for spellbook duel has performed really well.
Atraxa, praetors voice atraxa superfriends competitive. The star halls give the deck the much needed muscle, and combined with the field spell makes your spelltrap lineup a very powerful heavy storm mst deterrent. Yugioh tcg deck spellbook invoked true dracos by duelist. Modern competitive mill constructed deck list and prices for the magic the gathering tcg. Of course, with every spellbook draw engine comes the minimum 1of blue boy. It is possible to go for a spellbook engine, using spellbook magician of prophecy, spellbook of secrets, and spellbook of knowledge. Colorless 12post by eric froehlich april 9, 2017 october 10, 2019 one deck to emerge from legacy several years ago was a cloudpost centric deck.
Dinosaur and true draco had their consistency decreased with dragonic diagram reduced to 1 copy and terraforming reduced to 2 copies, but they had proven to be resilient and remained as the top contenders throughout the ocg 2017. One of the decks touched by konami in the last banlist, but for those that still like it, this is a fun way to use it. Nov 15, 2017 yugioh competitive dark magician prophecy spellbooks. Spellbooks has always been one of my favorite competitive. This is the primary starter card for the deck and almost always the best normal summon for the deck, in other cases, blue boy will be a better normal summon when you start out with all the dm cards you need. Forest format standard main deck 60 60 sideboard 0 maybe 0 average mana cost 3. Yugioh august 2017 new format deck profile spellbook turbo duration.
1411 265 1227 352 1369 1513 991 283 1060 1402 1519 730 613 1401 1395 385 993 264 97 982 537 999 693 1158 1580 701 76 1492 1509 292 903 895 647 1317 640 454 14 1222 280 755 1249 558 699 607 1350 759